I have four tags
I have four tags
switch1_running ''if its running its value is 1..
switch2_running ''if its running its value is 1..
Now, I am checking something like that, which didn comeup correct.
if (('switch1_running'=1 and 'switch1_value' >2 ) or ('switch2_running'=1 and 'switch2_value' >2 )) then 0 else 1
1- In my case if only one switch can be running at a time then
I am first checking if its running, then checking whats the value of it right now. It shouldnt have to be more than 2. Am I doing it properly?. Or is there any VBA built in equation which can help me more here?
2- More on that, I want to write in display, if switch1=1 then "switch1" and if switch2= then "switch2" and if both are running it should write "both".... I am not sure how I can do that, becuase it might involve elseif?
2- More on that, I want to write in display, if switch1=1 then "switch1" and if switch2= then "switch2" and if both are running it should write "both".... I am not sure how I can do that, becuase it might involve elseif?