Hello Fellow PI Users:
I want to extract time stamps and values from a PI Tag and display it in an ASP.net web page. Utilizing PISDK here is what I have worked out so far:
Target page contains:
<%:theResultsList("SINUSOID") %> //# I want table rows of 'SINUSOID' data to load here.
The code behind page contains this function:
public string theResultsList(string theTagName)
var _pisdk = new PISDK.PISDK();
PISDK.Server piServer = _pisdk.Servers["PIServerNameHere"];
PISDK.PIPoint mypoint = piServer.PIPoints[theTagName];
string theEnvelopePlease = "";
string startTime;
string endTime;
PISDK.PIValues myResultsList;
startTime = "*-1.5h";
endTime = "*";
myResultsList = mypoint.Data.RecordedValues(startTime, endTime, BoundaryTypeConstants.btAuto);
foreach (PISDK.PIValue myCurrentValue in myResultsList)
theEnvelopePlease = theEnvelopePlease + "<tr><td>" + myCurrentValue.TimeStamp.LocalDate.ToString() + "</td><td>" + myCurrentValue.Value.ToString() + "</td></tr>";
return theEnvelopePlease;
The trouble is the response back looks just like this in the browser:
<tr><td>10/8/2014 12:41:44 PM</td><td>65.85915</td></tr><tr><td>10/8/2014 1:33:17 PM</td><td>86.35349</td></tr><tr><td>10/8/2014 2:08:47 PM</td><td>95.08834</td></tr><tr><td>10/8/2014 2:11:44 PM</td><td>95.08834</td></tr>
When I go to view source, it looks like this:
<tr><td>10/8/2014 12:41:44 PM</td><td>65.85915</td></tr><tr><td>10/8/2014 1:33:17 PM</td><td>86.35349</td></tr><tr><td>10/8/2014 2:08:47 PM</td><td>95.08834</td></tr><tr><td>10/8/2014 2:11:44 PM</td><td>95.08834</td></tr>
I want it to look like this:
10/8/2014 12:41:44 PM 65.85915
10/8/2014 1:33:17 PM 86.35349
10/8/2014 2:08:47 PM 95.08834
10/8/2014 2:11:44 PM 95.08834
To get it to look like this the function needs to return the results as HTML code containing PI Data. My Question is how do I tell C# to explicitly treat the returned string data as html code? Or is there a better way to get this working by using a DataGridView or some other ASP.net tool? Advise on how to fix this or try something else is appreciated.