Hello All,
I am a newbie to OSI PI development and I am coming from the Microsoft SQL Server world. So in order to differentiate between the relational data and PI data, here are a few questions from me to begin with.
a) What options does PI provide to import and export data from PI to PI? Say I have a million records and move it between PI servers. Is there any automated way I can do this? I read there is tag configurator utility, but how does the data go into the utility? Do we enter them manually ?
b) can we generate some sql tables similar to PI structure, export them to excel and then import it back to PI Server?
2) PERFORMANCE : What is the recommended tag limit per server? I ask this because in case of closed LAN's there is a chance of going with a single server serving the entire process area.
3) General learning resources other than Youtube channel and this forum.
-Shane W