I have set up an Interface to retrieve data from an SQL server and using Input Points via Tag Distribution backfilling using Input Recovery to write to PI.
I am collecting from 2 tables and would like to retrieve the points in 1 SQL call using UNION ALL. The manual doesn't really say what you cannot do with SQL other than saying SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE are the only valid SQL statements.
If i split my SQL into 2 files and use 2 Distributor Tags to carry the SQL it works fine but that seems a little cumbersome when i could retrieve the data in 1 SQL call.
When i try and UNION ALL, the interface complains and i get the ODBC error 07009 Invalid Descriptor Index error.
Can the interface handle a UNION ALL, or am i doing something wrong in my statement?
select Sample_Date as PI_TIMESTAMP, REPLACE(CAST(UPPER('TESTGL_'+Equipment_Name+'_'+Variables) as VARCHAR(80)), ' ', '_') as PI_TAGNAME, CAST(UPPER(OutputValues_PI) as VARCHAR(80)) as PI_VALUE
from PetexDP.dbo.v_custom_apache_VanGoghGL_BK_ALLOC_Results_For_PI
where OutputValues_PI is not null
and [Input / Output] = 'Output'
and row_read = 0
and Sample_Date > ?
and Sample_Date < dateadd(minute, +10, getdate()) /* PI won't accept anything more than 10 minutes in the future */
select Sample_Date as PI_TIMESTAMP, REPLACE(CAST(UPPER('TESTPROD_'+Equipment_Name+'_'+Variables) as VARCHAR(80)), ' ', '_') as PI_TAGNAME, CAST(UPPER(OutputValues_PI) as VARCHAR(80)) as PI_VALUE
from PetexDP.dbo.v_custom_apache_PROD_BK_ALLOC_Results_For_PI
where OutputValues_PI is not null
and [Input / Output] = 'Output'
and row_read = 0
and Sample_Date > ?
and Sample_Date < dateadd(minute, +10, getdate())