Dear Members,
After some unsuccessful efforts I have to ask an advice.
So, the task is to create ‘Yearly integrator’ of a Tag in PI. Apparently PI receives the Flow Rate FQI.XXX.PV from DCS. The Daily integrator FQI.XXX.OUT is configured in DCS as well. I have tried to create a daily Totalizer just to understand how it works and compare the results but it seems that the PI totalizer works another way. What can be a problem?
Totalizer Point Attributes for: Tot_D_WW1_FR
Descriptor: Totalizer of Flow rate for WW-1
archiving = 1
compdev = 0.2
compmax = 28800
compmin = 0
compressing = 0
compvalue = 1
conversion = 1
datasecurity = PIWorld: A®
descriptor = Totalizer of Flow rate for WW-1
engunits = m3/day
eventexpr = 0.1
excdev = 0.1
excmax = 600
excmin = 0
filterexpr =
function = TOTAL
movingcount = 1
offset = +0H
offset2 = +0M
options =
pctgood = 85
period = +24H /c
period2 = +10M
ptsecurity = PIWorld: A()
ratesamplemode = SCAN1
reportmode = RAMPING
scan = 1
shutdown = 0
sourcetag = FQI_191105.PV
span = 1000
step = 1
tag = Tot_D_WW1_FR
totalclosemode = TIMEMOVING
typicalvalue = 50
zero = 0
zerobias = 0