I have canvased opinion from users of our system about their use of the MDB and most say "Yes I definitely use it".
However is it possible to see how much use the MDB actually gets? Number of queries, the actual searches made, etc. I would like to target MDB administration and features to actual use that is made of it and I suspect that many of the alisases in our MDB are never used.
For example we group and sub-group tags to a depth of 3 or 4 modules. Tags have units that include mph, psi, MW, Amps, and Volts. However I feel that only the MW tags are searched for using the MDB and that the others are found by using the Basic search. I am therefore possibly wasting my time by creating and managing those aliases for 85% of our tags.
I have seen tracing for MDB - AF sync but we don't have AF and that is probably not what I'm after anyway.