Sometimes you get that occasional request that at first seems ‘high-maintenance’, but then you can see the requests validity. This is one of those, but I need some help.
We are trending a weekly average, but folks are getting confused as the trace continues on into the next week until there is a full week to perform that calculation. The same issue exists with an average for the Work Shift; for example, the first shift calculated value appears to continue on into the second shift and grows all the way up to 16 hours, then calculates and drops back to the expected 8hrs.
Most everyone over the years understands the functionality and deals with it, but maybe it’s this persons OCD – dunno. But I admit, there are times it would be nice to make the trace ‘stop’ after the calculation period until there is enough data for the next calculation period. It would give a much more visually accurate representation on a trend.
If there was a percent good values option, that would probably do the trick, but since there isn’t, is there any way to accomplish the above functionality?!?!