Hi Community,
I have installed & configured PI UFL interface on Secondary PI server but the ICU wont allow me to save the configuration and will fail to run. When I tried to save the PI UFL configuration PI ICU will throw me the follwing error
Error -2147220215: Error -2147220215 from call ptrPIProperties->Remove in DeletePIProperty (%OSI:Interfaces:AUHCCPI2:PI_UFL2) (Arguments). The target server database failed to load.[-10401] No Write Access - Secure Object (SetAllArguments) from call to PIInterfaceSettingsPtr.SetAllArguments(/AM=5 /CF=D:\PIPC (x86)\Interfaces\PI_UFL\INI\GWNB3_Config.ini /LB ) (SaveSettings)
As per my understanding we will receive this error only when there is no trust / write access to PI server from Interface node (i.e. secondary PI server in my case) , but secondary server has a Trust and PI Trust is the connection default protocol used.
Please see the attachments for more infromation.
Please share your thoughts & help me find the solution for this issue, please let me know if you need any more infromation.