I am very new to PI system. I have just started to build a Processbook which is using little bit VBA. Is it possible to access PI Tag Value directly to VBA instead of creating a name on ProcessDisplay? I want to use current as well as last 24 hrs average value for my calculations. Is it possible to access PI Dataset values directly to VBA? how?
or have to create an expressions using PIExpression in VBA?
I want to give alarm or some change in state whenver difference between average and current value is more than certain limit (Which I have already done with defining average and current value in process display but now I want to do without displaying it on process display). There are two to three displays... will have to give notification or beep sound whenever there is alarm in any of process display.
I have found some interesting codes here which I think will be useful... it is very nice forum.
Hope to see more response and ways to do it .
Have a great day to all of you