I was wondering if someone could help find a good solution to my problem. Thank you for any help you can offer.
I have a tag for which the instrument records data for multiple products on the same PI tag. I need to be able to graph and run statics (min, max, standard dev, control charts, etc) in excel on the data for each product separately so a Datalink solution is needed. I would also like to create a Processbook display to trend each product separately if possible.
The system functions as follows:
The instrument analyses the material for product A for a period of time then the sample valve closes. Next a different sample valve opens and the instrument analyses the material for product B for a period of time. This cycle repeats itself 24/7. The cycle length can vary.
The sample valve positions are tags in the PI system.
The dynamics of the sampling system are such that there is a 10 minute time delay between when sample valve opens and when the system starts to output data related to the associated sample valve. The system is running a purge during this time frame.
To sum up my question, how do I filter the data to generate a report on Product A and B separately when their data is stored on the same PI tag. I need a filter that will start collecting the data 10 minutes after the associated sample valve opens and stops when the sample valve closes.
Here is an example of the trends.