I am new to PI system and I just started exploring the system by creating PI to PI interface to push data from source PI server to destination PI server.To accomplish this I followed these steps:
1. I downloaded and installed PItoPI interface on source server and used ICU to create new interface.
2. I established mutual trust between pi servers with user 'PI' on both machines. I gave piadmins privelege.
3. On NMC on destination server, I am able to see connection from host server but I don't see any user account or trust associated with the connection.
Since I did not find current data in destination, I started monitoring pipc logs on source server and saw the following entries:
14-Mar-14 12:56:38
PItoPI.exe>PI-API> Initial connection to <destination server>:5450(xx.xx.xx.xx) Buffered[0]
14-Mar-14 12:56:38
PItoPI.exe>PI-API> Initial connection to <source server>:5450(yy.yy.yy.yy) Buffered[0]
14-Mar-14 12:59:41
PItoPI.exe>PI-API> pinetread> recv blocking failure or host <destination server>:5450 closed the socket
14-Mar-14 12:59:41
PItoPI.exe>PI-API> Successful reconnection to <destination server>:5450(xx.xx.xx.xx) Buffered[0]
14-Mar-14 13:02:44
PItoPI.exe>PI-API> pinetread> recv blocking failure or host <destination server>:5450 closed the socket
14-Mar-14 13:02:44
PItoPI.exe>PI-API> Successful reconnection to <destination server>:5450(xx.xx.xx.xx) Buffered[0]
14-Mar-14 14:57:24
bufserv.exe>PI-API Buffer Manager (2096) - BUFSVRMGR> APIBUFFER: Starting Buffer Servers Manager.
14-Mar-14 14:57:24
bufserv.exe>PI-API Buffer Manager (2096) - BUFSVRMGR> APIBUFFER: PIBufSS Configured. Bufserv exiting.
14-Mar-14 14:57:25
PItoPI.exe>PI-API> Initial connection to <destination server:5450>(xx.xx.xx.xx) Buffered[0]
14-Mar-14 14:57:25
PItoPI.exe>PI-API> Initial connection to <host server>:5450(yy.yy.yy.yy) Buffered[0]
14-Mar-14 14:59:37
PItoPI.exe>PI-API> pinetread> recv blocking failure or host <destination server>:5450 closed the socket
14-Mar-14 14:59:37
PItoPI.exe>PI-API> Successful reconnection to <destination server>:5450(xx.xx.xx.xx) Buffered[0]
I see the following entry in PI server log on the source server( level warning and above)
[Server] <source server> [ID] 31098 [Time] 3/14/2014 2:58:26 PM [Program] PItoPI [Category] UNIINT [Priority] 10 [ProcessOSUser] ad.sfwmd.gov\<sourceservername$> [ProcessID] 2240 [Severity] Error [Source1] PIToPI- [Source2] PITOPI | 1 | 0
Error [-10400] loading points. pipt_nextptwsourcelong failed for point source PITOPI
I am not sure why I am seeing this error.Any inputs are sincerely appreciated.
Note: I just have one point on destination server with point source PItoPI. All other points in source and destination server have same point source.
PI server (source and destination): PI server v.2010
Interface installed on source server:PItoPI.exe version