I'm not the admin of our PI-system, but just an advanced user.
We have a tag showing a processvalue, but not a tag with the target for that processvalue. Can I make a trend in Pi Processbook that contains a trend with both the value of the tag and a referenceline with the target?
I'm pretty comfortable with VBA, but can't really seem to find a way to add anything else than a PI-tag to a trend (e.g. using the MyTrend.AddTrace)
I tried this found in another thread here, but it gives a run-time error saying the "Argument name already exist. Name has not been changed" for the line with "Set MyDataset = ..."
Sub CreateAndPlotDataset() Dim MyDatasets As Datasets Dim MyDataset As PIExpressionDataset Dim MyTrend As Trend Dim MyTrendFormat As TrendFormat Dim MyBool As Boolean Set MyDatasets = ThisDisplay.Datasets Set MyDataset = MyDatasets.Add("NewCalc", Nothing, True, 1, True, pbDatasetPIExpression) Set MyDataset = MyDatasets.GetDataset("NewCalc") MyDataset.ServerName = "DANIELSLAPTOP" MyDataset.Expression = "If TagVal('BA:Active.1','*') = ""Active"" Then 'CDT158' Else NoOutput()" MyDataset.RefreshInterval = 60000 MyDataset.ColumnName = "Value" MyDataset.Interval = "1h" MyDataset.Description = "Calculated Dataset" MyDatasets.SetDataset MýDataset Set MyTrend = ThisDisplay.Symbols.Add(pbSymbolTrend) Set MyTrendFormat = MyTrend.GetFormat MyTrendFormat.ShowTraceMarkers = True MyTrend.SetFormat MyTrendFormat MyTrend.Top = 14900 MyTrend.Left = -14900 MyTrend.Height = 1000 MyTrend.Width = 1500 MyBool = MyTrend.SetStartAndEndTime("*-1d", "*") MyTrend.AddTrace "NewCalc.Value" End Sub
But then again it looks a bit more advanced than what I need?
I made a temporary solution adding a symbol (line) on top of the trend and calculating it's position in pixel relative to the trend... but that's really a poor hack as you cant zoom in or do anything on the trend.
So how can I get a simple reference line in a trend without creating a new PI-tag on our server?